Pedagogical Practices of a Special Educator: Engaging Parents Who Have Children With Intensive Needs

  • Jillian Vancoughnett University of Saskatchewan
Keywords: parent engagement, parent knowledge, early childhood education, special education


As a special education teacher working with intensive needs children and their families, I have come to understand the importance of using “parent knowledge” alongside my professional knowledge to inform my pedagogy, enabling me to authentically and meaningfully program for students. In this article, I use my storied experiences with Shirley and her mom, Nancy, to make visible how my engagement with Nancy shaped my beliefs and practices as a teacher. This article describes a “pedagogy of walking alongside,” a pedagogical approach in which parent engagement is integral in all work I do with young intensive needs students.

How to Cite
Vancoughnett, J. (2021). Pedagogical Practices of a Special Educator: Engaging Parents Who Have Children With Intensive Needs . LEARNing Landscapes, 14(1), 409-419.