He-ART-istic Journeys: Transformative Experiential Learning Through Applied Theatre

  • Sheila O’Keefe-McCarthy Brock University
  • Michael M. Metz Brock University
  • Bernadette Kahnert Brock University
Keywords: heart disease, arts-based research, applied theatre, aesthetic dialogic encounters, Mirror Theatre


Employing applied theatre techniques of playbuilding, research-grounded scene development, and facilitated workshops has the potential to provide transformative learning. The He-ART-istic Journeys-Heart DIS-ease play is one example that invites learners to experience (living with heart disease). This aesthetic encounter creates a reflective space that embraces the uncertainty of (un)knowing-necessary to participate in relearning. Engaging in Mirror Theatre’s method of dialogic exploration, we share two scenes that demonstrate the pedagogical potential and creative process for transformative teaching purposes.

How to Cite
O’Keefe-McCarthy, S., Metz, M. M., & Kahnert, B. (2022). He-ART-istic Journeys: Transformative Experiential Learning Through Applied Theatre. LEARNing Landscapes, 15(1), 283-298. https://doi.org/10.36510/learnland.v15i1.1076