Engaging Students: The Power of the Personal

  • Lesley Pasquin McGill University
  • Susan Winn McGill University
Keywords: student engagement, personal curriculum, discovery, technology, learning


Good teaching occurs when students can be themselves, can learn through application and collaboration, and can enjoy the excitement of discovery. That being the case, teachers today must compete with a society where students experience gratification and entertainment at the flick of a switch. The Internet and related technologies have changed the way that children learn and our understanding of the learning process. To address these changes, new teachers are entering schools with tools, expertise, and expectations that differ dramatically from past generations of pedagogues. Yet, in spite of the newly emerging views on learning, student engagement remains essential. The article shows that making curriculum personal for all learners is a basic premise of engagement.

How to Cite
Pasquin, L., & Winn, S. (2007). Engaging Students: The Power of the Personal. LEARNing Landscapes, 1(1), 175-183. https://doi.org/10.36510/learnland.v1i1.245