Responding to Uncertainty: Teacher Educator Professional Development Through Co-Teaching and Collaborative Reflection

  • Nancy Luke Western Carolina University
  • Carrie Rogers Western Carolina University
Keywords: teacher education, teacher research, co-teaching, collaboration, reflection, practice


This exploratory paper describes the collaborative planning, reflection, and teaching for two teacher educators in the process of professional development and acclimation to new faculty positions in a College of Education. As a result of intense and reflective conversations, they discovered a mutual interest in the writings of Schön (1987) and found that his work on uncertainty, uniqueness, and value conflict served as a useful heuristic for understanding their shared experience of co-teaching a curriculum course. Their experiences of reflection in and on action, and their subsequent commitment to changes in their practice as teacher educators, are told in a narrative format to help other college educators see the personal as well as professional growth and development that occurred for both.

How to Cite
Luke, N., & Rogers, C. (2015). Responding to Uncertainty: Teacher Educator Professional Development Through Co-Teaching and Collaborative Reflection. LEARNing Landscapes, 8(2), 245-259.