Bringing Mindfulness to the K-6 Classroom

  • Barbara Kurtzman
Keywords: mindfulness, k-6, elementary school, teacher, focus


In this interview, elementary school teacher and mindfulness coach Barbara Kurtzman discusses how she brought mindfulness in the class, starting in Cycle 1 and then with the whole elementary school. Her interest in mindfulness began as a personal journey which she wanted to share with her students. She explains that taking only a few minutes a day helps her and her students to be more focused on the task at hand. She has found that her students also use mindfulness outside of her classroom. She finishes by giving advice to teachers who are interested in including mindfulness in their classrooms.

Author Biography

Barbara Kurtzman

Barbara Kurtzman has been a Grade 1 teacher at The Study School in Montreal for over 25 years. Most recently, she was accepted in McGill's Masters program in the department of Integrated Studies, where she continues to grow professionally and personally. She has been involved in many wonderful initiatives and continues to share her passion with her students, colleagues and parents. She believes some of the interesting aspects of teaching are making sure her students feel like they are part of a community of learners, where it is safe to take risks, and to be grateful for each day.

How to Cite
Kurtzman, B. (2017). Bringing Mindfulness to the K-6 Classroom. LEARNing Landscapes, 10(2), 23-29.