Walking, Talking, Performing in Place: Learning from/with/on the Land

  • Maya Tracy Borhani University of Victoria
Keywords: walking methodology, poetic inquiry, performative inquiry, eco-pedagogy, poetic pedagogy


This autoethnographic essay describes an ambulatory workshop with fellow graduate students, a walking tour to remote parts of campus where we paused to consider writing prompts and to create short performative sketches highlighting the nature of our relationships to the land around us. In this reflection on our “walk and talk,” I consider how teachers and students co-create what we learn together, the  mysteries of engaging in interactive drama and poetry methods, and the performative ways in which we might come to know the places where we live and work more intimately and more imaginatively.

How to Cite
Borhani, M. T. (2020). Walking, Talking, Performing in Place: Learning from/with/on the Land. LEARNing Landscapes, 13(1), 67-75. https://doi.org/10.36510/learnland.v13i1.1003