Fostering Well-Being in Education Through Yoga and Mindfulness in the Snow (Snowga)

  • Leanne Glasser
Keywords: Snowga (yoga in the snow), yoga, mindfulness, well-being, education


Through a program called Snowga (yoga in the snow), students learned about mindfulness and living in the present moment through yoga postures and meditations. Positive changes included growth in wellbeing as the children explored self, community, and the natural world through yoga, mindfulness, personal reflective journals, and artwork. The purpose: to engender awareness of the efficacy of mindfulness and yoga practices in nature and contribute to the growing body of knowledge around wellbeing in education.

Author Biography

Leanne Glasser

Leanne Glasser recently graduated with her Master of Education from Lakehead University in the Education for Change program with a specialization in Environment and Sustainability Education. Leanne is Canadian born and native to Thunder Bay, Ontario where her research was conducted. She is now living in California pursuing teaching, research, writing, and her love of the outdoors. Leanne considers herself to be a lifelong learner, always looking for new ways to implement environmental education and well-being into her teachings and writing.

How to Cite
Glasser, L. (2017). Fostering Well-Being in Education Through Yoga and Mindfulness in the Snow (Snowga). LEARNing Landscapes, 10(2), 159-172.